I Am Rahab…Spiritual Eyes
by Mary Olivo
“God open my eyes to see truth and expose the identity of the evil one.”
God gave me this prayer several years ago, and I have obediently spoken it back to Him since He has faithfully broadened and deepened my vision. This prayer is so personal for me because it has been my walk every day for some time. My cry was desperate for healing and knowing God and the mysteries surrounding Him. I struggled with Impostor Syndrome, Borderline Personality Traits, fear of abandonment, and experiences of feeling ‘dissociated’ and ‘depersonalized.’ Back then, I could barely explain the symptoms of all these conditions when I started praying for these spiritual eyes. God began to call them out by name and expose them one by one; yes, He did. You see, this is why I am not a fake it until you make it type of person; I get the concept of it, but many have resorted to using it as a way to live out life, and that just sounds like a whole lot of work to do on your own to maintain the same outcome with what God can and wants to do! Are you willing to see, beloved?
What do you want to see, and what do you want to know? Do you want your mind blown away? Are you ready to be freed from all of the conditioning from your life and live through the lens of God’s eyes? It is so extraordinary; there is receiving a knowing that can follow a seeing when God does it, and there is such a quickening that in a moment you realize you are changed; In other ways, you can see a new truth and the old lies side by side each other, I cannot explain it any differently, but I can tell you God is able. Are you willing to keep going when no one else sees it? Actor and Producer Tyler Perry said in a sermon called ‘God’s Guidance to Your Dreams”, “people come into your life for a season, and some people are not equipped to handle the altitudes you are going to, and they are not bad people,” Amen?! Nor did you get God’s direction for you wrong to question it! We will not see the same things through these spiritual eyes, and God, knowing our nature, will confirm what He has shown us. I love sharing all that I consider to be jewels that God sends my way; it’s just too good not to share! I want to close with this word penned by someone about five years ago, and I hope it continues to encourage and challenge anyone desperate to see because I am Rahab too.
“The Father says today, “How is the training going? Do you understand that the circumstances and situations you are walking through day by day – even this specific week are by My hand and My arrangement? I am training you to see what the natural eye does not see and to hear what the natural ear does not hear. I am giving you as it were. “x-ray vision” so that your anointed perception can pierce through to what the natural situation and circumstance looks like and see the truth of the matter. By the spirit of discernment, you will now understand the truth of what is really going on in the room and not be blinded or caught unawares in any way.
“From this day forward, I am going to begin to show you the under-girding, and the underpinning, even the hidden infrastructure of the world around you that very few people get to see. I am anointing your eyes with eye salve in this time,” says the Father, “to put your word and your prayers upon that which is manifesting even the truth of the matter rather than what is merely on the surface.
“So as you see and as you come to know do not be alarmed or put off. Do not hesitate or be dismayed in any way. Rather rise up in your faith My beloved and put your word, the word of My authority, the authority of My name on the things that I show you. Put your word upon the things that I reveal to you even if in the natural there’s no indication that what I have revealed to you is true.”