3.2.1 ACTION!
Hey! It’s been a minute. I selfishly took some time off to reflect and regroup after writing My Name is Mary Magdalene. For me, this has been a season of depression, regression, and then rebirth. But that’s another story. It’s too heavy to unpack when a celebration is in order. Something About Ruth drops at midnight!
That’s book number seven for this blogger and author. I don’t know about you, but I can’t believe it! I took my love for Bible stories, creative writing, and inspiring women and turned that into an awesome run in self publishing. Not to mention a catalog of books that can very well become the next great mini-series or motion picture.
Just read the reviews…
Engaging from the first page, this novel reads like a well-written biography and could easily be adapted for the big screen. Yes, a biopic. It is a testament to the author’s talent as a writer that for most of the story, I felt like I was watching a movie. This happens very rarely, and only when a writer is at the top of her game.
When I tell you I feel like I went on an adventure with Mary!! JC Miller wrote this book in such a way that I felt like I was watching a movie. A really good movie!
Look at God! He took the outlet that I used to escape from the heaviness of caring for my mom as her health declined, and gave me new direction. He called me out of sadness and self-pity and said, go be a witness. What could have been a long bereavement, moved me forward. Isn’t that just like God?
Now, because of awesome readers like you pushing me toward turning the books into movies, I’ve found the confidence I need to try my hand at screenwriting. No, this isn’t the end of my book writing, there’s more novels in me. But for right now, in this season, these characters are screaming for the big screen.
Thank you all for your continued support. Don’t stop now, order Something About Ruth available on Amazon March 7th.